SunLife Organics


A health and wellness juice bar that has long redefined the term since the establishment of the flagship location in Malibu, CA— With a genuine mission to love, heal and inspire, It was only appropriate the brand clearly portrays that mantra, inspires and provides a lasting impression. The objective was to reinvigorate and clarify the brand identity and to create a deeper connection with the audiences sun-life-style. We wanted to truthfully reflect the level of holistic care and detail in each hand crafted beverage. By curating interactions and experiences with a deeper sense of individualization, and attention to detail we recognized a valued opportunity to connect, communicate and provide a lasting impression. People are the heart of the brand. SUNLIFERS feel nurtured, nourished, refreshed, and revitalized. People may forget details but they will never forget how something makes them feel. 

For a brand as dedicated and committed to serving communities the highest quality organic ingredients Mother Nature has to offer, its only right for the brand to reflect the attention to detail. Products sourced with great difficulty from various parts of the world, demonstrates a certain level of holistic care which the audience should be aware of.. so, “we never stop growing, learning, listening and sharing, because you deserve to be inspired. When you walk through our doors you are invited to be yourself, just as you are.” The strategic design and development of the branding elements, visual representations, environmental design messaging, and consistent typography system, communicate the core values of the brand on everything from the menus to the environment. The goal is to increase brand awareness, engagement, and loyalty through effective brand application. Create rich engagement as organic as the products. With over 10 years in the industry and now expanding to over 10 locations from the Coastal beaches of California to the Emerging market in Texas.