0MN1- a rapidly growing fin-tech startup pushing to provide access to mobile ride share across the globe as well as underdeveloped and emerging markets approached us with an objective.. We were challenged to create a complete branding project with a universal brand language positioned in the global ride-share market by expanding e-bike and ride share services by launching in Singapore and expanding to Costa Rica.
With collaboration with ONEXONLY we partnered to build a cohesive, innovative brand welcoming the community and providing the experience of the future. We crafted the brand image to overcome the traditional barriers mobile ride-share services have faced. We explored the various ways utilizing the service contributes to the users lives and placed an emphasis on capturing the end-users feelings and emotions associated with those experiences. With strategic execution We developed the communication of those ideas through the brands visual language and storytelling. This is only a novel engaging experience to arrive at your destination, this is a clean, efficient and beautiful alternative to final destination travel.
Beginning with Name exploration through full brand development we created a multiverse brand positioned for the global market. By diving in the companies competitive advantage and goal to facilitate daily transport we cultivated a distinguishing & innovative experience to welcome users in various regions to a convenient cleaner sense of transport. The challenge of diverse perceptional recognition was addressed by utilizing a universal language with universally recognizable markers. The ride sharing application has continued global expansion and now has over 500,000 downloads. Investing tens of millions for the latest expansion into Central America.|